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CUS Damar
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![]() After the surrender of the Dominion the Cardassians took the control over the Dominion shipyards in their territory, which had survived the war.
Most of these facilities had been destroyed by the Jem´Hadar during the last battles but the Cardassians managed to capture two of these facilities intact.
So they were able to produce the small Attack crafts of the Jem´Hadar.
Although the ships look similiar to the Jem-Hadar-attackship-class many modification were done by the cardassians. The most important and maybe astonishing fact is that the cardassian made attackships are weaker than the JemHadar originals.
The polaron-beam-weapon of standard Jem-Hadar-attackship was too difficult to copy - so it was replaced by a smaller version of the standard cardassian wave-disruptor-weapon. Although this weapon system is not so effective than the polaron-weapon, it could be replaced or repaired easily everywhere in Cardassian space. Also the small disruptor cannon is strongher than the version of the Hideki-class.
The Cardassians were able to copy the excellent Dominion-made warpdrive, which allows these ships to travel in a very fast speed. So the cardassian-attackships are as fast as the JemHadar originals.
Other major modifications had to be made in the internal hull sections. Unlike cardassians soldiers the geneticly constructed JemHadar-warriors of the Dominion dont need to sleep or to eat. So there were no rest-rooms, replicators for food or a medical bay. These components were added to the new cardassian version - reducing the operational range of these ships significantly.
Nevertheless these ships, which have been named in honor of the cardassian hero the "Damar-class", are stronger and faster than the Hideki-class-ships.
Because the cardassian military has not the recources to build new shipyards with the alien dominion technology in order to produce the Damar-class, there are only two facilities in cardassian space which produce these ships. Also the easier to build Hideki-class is still produced. Although upgraded many times the new Hidekis are still inferior compared to the Damar-class.
The Cardassian Central Command uses the Damar-class-ships in groups of 5-15 ships. These ships are operating in wolfpack-tactics and have the same firepower like 1-3 Galor-class ships. Also the Damar-class ships are excellent if used for defense operations against raiders, pirates or smugglers.
So the Central Command replaces Galor-units with packs of Damar-units - which allows them to buoild new fleets of the long-range Galor-cruisers for other - more offensive - duties.
Instead of dark grey the ships are painted in the same gold-yellow colour of the standard cardassian vessels.
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