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CUS Korinas
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![]() The Keldon-class battleship Korinas was heavily damaged during a battle against the Breen.
The whole wave-disruptor-system was burned out and the upper decks crippled.
Because the replace parts were needed for newer ships the Central Command decided to scrap the Korinas.
But then it was ordered that the ship had to be modified to a mothership for small attack ships.
The first concepts saw a mothership with 8 Hideki-patrol-ships. But then this idea was replaced with the final concept of a mothership with 6 Damar-attack-ships (which were nothing else than modified Jem´Hadar attack ships produced in cardassian space).
Because the Galor- and Keldon ships were literally built around the huge wave-disruptor-cannon the constructers simply took away this already destroyed weapon system from the Korinas and used the space to put in quarters and rooms for the fighter crews.
Also the structural integrity was improved in order to put three docking stations on the upper part of the hull.
The Korinas still has its standard defense disruptor turrets throughout the hull - it only miss the main weapon of a Keldon-battleship: The disruptor wave cannon, which is able to cripple or destroy an enemy cruiser with one good hit.
The three docking stations are also equipped with defensive disruptor turrets. During a military campaign the Korinas operates with 6 Damar attack fighters.
Three Damar ships could be docked at the Korinas at the same time and the Korinas is able to maintain and repair these ship if they have slight or moderate structural damage.
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