CUS Amara
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CUS Amara
Military frighter Type IX

The Cardassians use these useful craft as general purpose cargo carriers. It is a modular design, with a power system and warp and impulse engines in a stern section and the crew quarters, computer systems and bridge in the bow section. Between the two is anything from one to five cargo sections, each of which carries six storage pods. The standard pod is capable of carrying normal cargo items, but pods designed for bulk ores, liquids, and frozen items are also available. Although most cargo vessels are unarmed, the Cardassians chose to equip this ship with a single light disrupter cannon in order to defend against low intensity threats such as mercenaries and raiders. The ship has only weak shields and armour.

The CUS Amara is part of the 5th Order and actually on a special mission. It carries 2 medical and 4 technical modules.